Soft and firmware updates

- Current Roth Touchline® SL

Software and firmware updates for current Roth Touchline® SL

You should keep your Roth Touchline® SL system up to date if you want to have access to the latest functions and be able to control your underfloor heating system via the Roth Touchline® SL App. With an updated system, you will also reduce the risk of possible errors in operation.

Here you will find an overview of our Roth Touchline® SL system with associated firmware from oldest to newest version with date of release and which functions have been added or any corrections.

See the instructions for updating your Roth Touchline® SL products.

Update for Roth Touchline SL® version 2
- Download firmware package for Roth Touchline® SL version 2
- Download the update guide for Roth Touchline® SL version 2

Update for Roth Touchline SL® version 1
- Download firmware for Master controller Roth Touchline® SL version 1
- Download firmware for Extension controller Roth Touchline® SL version 1
- Download the update guide for Roth Touchline® SL version 1

How do I find out if I have the new generation 2 of Roth Touchline® SL
The new control units have a grey display with a light grey frame around it. The old ones have a blue display with a black frame around it. See the pictures in the overview.